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Join date: Jun 27, 2022


Can Uti Medication Make You Sick

If you’d like more help on how to discuss your UTI with your provider and how to make the most out of your patient-doctor relationships, check out my Actionable Guide here. Option #3: Persistent UTI Symptoms After Treatment. Here is another option: they sent your urine sample to a lab and later told you that according to the test you have a UTI. You can take these tablets for about 2 days to cure the painful symptoms of the UTI. But, make sure you tell your doctor if you are having this medication.

You can take AZO Cranberry tablets once your UTI is cured in order to maintain the health of the urinary tract. You won’t always know if you have an infection—sometimes you won’t even feel sick. If you think you might have an infection or think you are at risk, see your health care provider. Infections with HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB can complicate pregnancy and may have serious consequences for a woman, her pregnancy outcomes, and her baby.

Can Uti Medication Make You Sick - Discount Place

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